Services & Fees 

Speech & Language Evaluation

Clinic Location

  • 60-90 min evaluation + report 
  • $350

Home or Employment Setting

  • 60-90 min evaluation + report
  • $450

Individual (1:1)

Clinic Location

  • 50 min of direct intervention
  • $125/hr


  • 50 min of direct intervention
  • $125/hr

Home or Community Setting

  • 50 min of direct intervention
  • $225/hr

Clinic Location

  • Duration varies
  • Fee varies based on materials, size of group, and number of group leaders

Community Setting

  • Duration varies
  • Fee varies based on materials, size of group, and number of group leaders

Job Coaching

Clinic Location or Telehealth

  • 50 min of direct intervention
  • $125/hr

Employment Setting

  • 50 min of direct intervention
  • $225/hr